Blue Mountain Racing Association (the "Corporation") is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), more specifically, to promote the growth, training, and development of U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association junior alpine ski racers. As a registered 501-C-3 non-profit organization, it's exempt from paying federal income tax, and people/businesses would be able to make donations to the organization and take a tax deduction for their donation. There is an executive board consisting of:
President: Mike Stockmal
Vice President: Steve Ellis
Interim Secretary: Jennifer Best
Treasurer: Tim Brown
Board of Directors: Jennifer Best, Robert Lipton, Frank Lancsak
We are looking for PARENTS to serve as chairpeople and committee members for the following committees:
This committee will handle any and all things that pertain to the MEMBERSHIP (racers and their parents/guardians). This would include, but not be limited to:
New parent education i.e. making sure that new parents get information they need about equipment, race day procedures, Derby qualification, PARA, United States Ski and Snowboard etc.
Training and recruitment of parents for race day events(gate keepers, registration, lunches, etc.)
Uniforms and other BMRT paraphenalia
FUNDRAISING - Open - We need a parent to chair this committee. This committee will handle any and all things that pertain to raising money for the organization, including obtaining cash and in-kind donations and sponsorships.
MARKETING - Jennifer Best, Chair This committee will handle any and all things that pertain to activities designed to recruit new members including, but not limited to: Signage, Publicity / Press releases, Brochures, Advertising (if necessary), Coordinating communication with BMRT webmaster, Photography, Videography
Consisting of coaches from each level of training in the program, this committee will handle any and all things that pertain to the educational advancement and training of our coaches and athletes. This committe will also make recommendations on purchases designed to enhance the training of our athletes.
U19-U21 Parents Committee -
U16 Parents Committee -
U14 Parents Committee -
U12 - U10 Parents Committee -
MOUNTAINEER Parents Committee-
We hope that you will be able to make a commitment to serve in some capacity of service to this organization. If you don't feel that you can commit to be a CHAIRPERSON, we hope that you can serve as a committee person and contribute in some way in your area of expertise.
If you have an immediate interest in any of the possible committee positions, please let us know by emailing Amato DePaulo at amatod@epix.net